Studies on the Antimetabolites of Amino Acids. XII
アミノ酸拮抗物質の研究 (第12報)

Saburo Muraoka
1960 Yakugaku zasshi  
Saburo Maraoka: Studies on the Antimetabolites of Amino Acids, ‡] ‡U Effects of Argininosuccinic Acid and Canavaninosuccinic Acid on the Growth of Lactobacillus arabinosus 17-5. (Faculty of Pharmacy, Kyoto University*3) Lactobacillus arabinosus, strain 17-5, requires arginine or pyridoxal in the Henderson Snell medium. This lactobacillus grows in a pyridoxal-free medium by the addition of ornithine or citrulline in place of arginine and, therefore, arginine acitivity of arginino succinic acid was examined under this medium condition.
doi:10.1248/yakushi1947.80.10_1444 fatcat:e47x2rgsfjdcvkj4ooetzqnuz4