2017 International Journal of Language Academy  
In this article, the developments in teaching of the Arabic language in Turkey after the Arab Spring are examined. Began in Tunisia in 2010, the Arab Spring swiftly spread to other Arabic countries such as Egypt, Syria, and Yemen, and shocked the world. Due not only to the physical proximity of Turkey to the Arab countries but also to the miscellaneous relationships between Turkey and the Arab countries, the Arab Spring made an ineluctable impact on the teaching of the Arabic language in
more » ... This article, which is a qualitative study, reaches to some findings by examining the documents published by various official and non-official institutions. The developments at hand are compiled under three headings: (1) the changes in higher education, (2) the changes in Imam Hatip schools and other schools, be they primary, secondary or high schools, which provide formal education, and (3) other changes. The changes in the higher education are divided into two categories as the changes in the teaching of the Arabic language in universities and the academic changes in the teaching of the Arabic language. As for the changes in the Imam Hatip schools and other schools, the data provided by the Ministry of National Education and other data are examined to understand the transformation of the teaching of the Arabic language. For the other changes in question, the data provided by ÖSYM (Measuring, Selection, and Placement Center) and KPDS-YDS (Language Proficiency Test) are analyzed and some deductions regarding the popular demand towards the education of Arabic language are reached. Various general conclusions are given at the end of the study by the overall analyzation of the data.
doi:10.18033/ijla.3764 fatcat:k5eyfbotnfggjpwlge7nlreola