Microbiological and parasitological quality of ground beef sold in Aracaju-SE

Sydney Correia Leao, Debora Machado Barreto, Viviane Da Costa Ribeiro, Roneval Felix De Santana, Cláudia Moura De Melo, Álvaro Silva Lima, Marcus Vinicius De Aragão Batista
2015 Revista Brasileira de Pesquisa em Alimentos  
<p><strong>The goal of this work was to verify the presence of microorganisms and parasites in the ground beef sold in the city of Aracaju, Sergipe, in addition to compare the contamination in butcher shops and supermarkets in neighborhoods Class A and D. We collected 16 samples of 100 gram in triplicate (m=48) and analyzed the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella spp. coliforms total and thermotolerants, molds and yeasts, and parasites. It was observed that the samples are contaminated
more » ... these microorganisms examined with high total and fecal coliforms, Salmonella spp. (25%), low levels of S. aureus, molds and yeasts, in addition to the detection of Ascaris lumbricoides, larvae of flies, mites and plant artifacts.</strong></p>
doi:10.14685/rebrapa.v6i2.3484 fatcat:wcrpdw26h5coden5fk2pwdmv7q