Valuation model for generation investment in an oligopoly electricity market

N.Y. Dahlan, D.S. Kirschen
2010 7th Mediterranean Conference and Exhibition on Power Generation, Transmission, Distribution and Energy Conversion (MedPower 2010)   unpublished
This paper proposes a new explicit, step-by-step approach for a generating company to evaluate investments considering uncertainties and future expected investment from its competitors. The new framework consists of i) defining some potential investments to be evaluated; ii) anticipating competitors' future expansion plans using dynamic programming; iii) generating future cash-flow for each investment alternative by clearing the market every year considering the anticipated system expansion
more » ... the life time of the plant; iv) computing each plan's rate of return. The evaluation has been carried out on three different technologies i.e. nuclear, coal and combined cycle power plants. We also introduce a probabilistic valuation model to incorporate risk assessment in the evaluation. We extend the framework to consider uncertainties in future load growth and plant technologies' fuel cost and use a Monte Carlo simulation to capture the statistical fluctuations of the rate of return. We also use a rigorous technique to approximate the load duration curve with a stepfunction. In order to model an oligopoly market, we assume that at higher loads, the generators submit bids higher than their marginal cost. A price duration curve from PJM market is used to extrapolate the bid price of these units.
doi:10.1049/cp.2010.0884 fatcat:uysrzyseojg5lp474ergmygmpe