Novel Imaging Method of Continuous Shear Wave by Ultrasonic Color Flow Mapping

Yoshiki Yamakoshi, Atsushi Yamamoto, Yasushi Yuminaka
2015 Physics Procedia  
Shear wave velocity measurement is a promising method in evaluation of tissue stiffness. Several methods have been developed to measure the shear wave velocity, however, it is difficult to obtain quantitative shear wave image in real-time by low cost system. In this paper, a novel shear wave imaging method for continuous shear wave is proposed. This method uses a color flow imaging which is used in ultrasonic imaging system to obtain shear wave's wavefront map. Two conditions, shear wave
more » ... cy condition and shear wave displacement amplitude condition, are required, however, these conditions are not severe restrictions in most applications. Using the proposed method, shear wave velocity of trapezius muscle is measured. The result is consistent with the velocity which is calculated from shear elastic modulus measured by ARFI method.
doi:10.1016/j.phpro.2015.08.231 fatcat:vraiwddgsvbprilncrpra22qre