Norme et contexte : influence d'une dichotomisation du matériel et de l'évaluation sur la contextualisation de jugements catégoriels

Guylaine Molina, Jean-Marc Fabre
2000 Annee Psychologique  
Norm and context : Dichotomization of stimuli and response scales influences context effects in absolute judgments. Range effects, which are contextual effects on perceptual judgments, can be subject to a limitation when a dichotomous pre-established norm is available. These limitations, initially observed by Marsh and Parducci (1978) , consist of a neutral-point anchoring and of a symmetrization of the subjective range. Four experiments show that these limitations 1/ do not cancel the usual
more » ... ge effects, 2/ can be observed with various stimuli, and 3/ can be explained by various processes linked to response scales or to stimuli. This diversity can guide the analysis of similar effects that occur in everyday situations.
doi:10.3406/psy.2000.28626 fatcat:piz7bfz55vck5px2jkg7z5dizu