NONLINEAR ANALYTICAL MODEL FOR REINFORCED CONCRETE PANELS UNDER IN-PLANE STRESSES : Study on nonlinear analytical method for reinforced concrete wall structures (Part 1)
平面応力場における鉄筋コンクリート板の非線形解析モデル : 鉄筋コンクリート壁状構造物の非線形解析手法に関する研究(その1)

1991 Journal of Structural and Construction Engineering (Transactions of AIJ)  
NONLINEAR ANALYTICAL MODEL FOR REINFORCED CONCRETE PANELS UNDER IN − PLANE STRESSES Study on nonlinear analytical method for reinforced concrete wall structures ( Part 1 ) * 亙 洋 且 G 翫 長 鮴 嬲 ぬ An analytical model for a cracked reinforced concrete ( RC )element is proposed on the basis Qf in ・ plane shear tests of RC panels. The proposed modei can deal with both compressive failure of concrete strut and sliding failure along crack surfaces . ThrQugh cQmparisons of the analytical results of RC
more » ... ls subjected to in・ plane shear with the test results , good agreement was obtained on the nonlinear behavior including the ultimate strength . Furthermore . based on comparlsons with other analytical models on the strength reduction of cracked concrete a皿d the sheal transfer stiffness of crack surfaces , the advantage of the proposed model was confirmed . KeyWOtxts :厂einforced conerete Panel ,万η舵 element arinlysis , constitutive laω , 'raeked concrete , shear transfer 1.序 論
doi:10.3130/aijsx.421.0_39 fatcat:34aib4vzjnbdxh2czkauarlcl4