A study on the Factors Related to Home Environment for Preschoolers
학령전기 자녀의 가정환경 관련요인에 관한 연구

Young Eun Chang
2016 Korean Journal of Childcare and Education  
This study attempted to explore child, family, and parents' psychological factors that were related to quality of home environment among families with preschoolers in Korea. The relationships between a series of factors and home environment and the predictive effects of the factors on HOME scores were analyzed using data from 1,690 families who participated in the5th wave of the PSKC (Panel Study of Korean Children) when the target child's age was about 4 years old. The results revealed that
more » ... n the child was a boy and when the child had a difficult temperament, the overall HOME scores were lower. Mothers' age, parents' education, family income, poverty and family life events were significantly related to the HOME scores, too. All of the psychological factors of both mothers and fathers were significantly correlated with the HOME scores. When both mother and father had less depressive symptoms, lower level of parenting stress and greater marital satisfaction, the HOME scores were higher. Regression analysis showed that child's gender, father's education and mothers' marital satisfaction were relatively strong predictors of HOME. The policy implication for parent education and suggestions for future study were proposed.
doi:10.14698/jkcce.2016.12.02.019 fatcat:4c4iceqxaza2bifvaaadtrye3i