Two Nonisomorphic Groups of Order 96 with Isomorphic Tables of Marks and Noncorresponding Centres and Abelian Subgroups

Alberto Raggi-Cárdenas, Luis Valero-Elizondo
2009 Communications in Algebra  
We construct two non-isomorphic groups G and Q of order 96 which have isomorphic tables of marks, but such that the centre of G has order 8 and the centre of Q has order 4. We also note that G has an abelian subgroup of order 48, whereas Q has no abelian subgroup of that order. This also leads us to conclude that this isomorphism of tables of marks does not preserve normalizers.
doi:10.1080/00927870802243614 fatcat:vxuoj6piabhjhdszbbnox3sxka