A Tamper-Detection Scheme for BTC-Compressed Images with High-Quality Images

2014 KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems  
This paper proposes a novel image authentication scheme, aiming at tampering detection for block truncation coding (BTC) compressed image. The authentication code is generated by using the random number generator with a seed, and the size of the authentication code is based on the user's requirement, with each BTC-compressed image block being used to carry the authentication code using the data hiding method. In the proposed scheme, to obtain a high-quality embedded image, a reference table is
more » ... sed when the authentication code is embedded. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed scheme achieves high-quality embedded images and guarantees the capability of tamper detection.
doi:10.3837/tiis.2014.06.011 fatcat:b4pbndq23zbnplityrxjcnco6a