Quantifying Multipartite Entanglement

Tzu-Chieh Wei
2004 AIP Conference Proceedings  
A natural way of quantifying the degree of entanglement for a pure quantum state is to compare how far this state is from the set of all unentangled pure states. This geometric measure of entanglement is explored for bipartite and multipartite pure and mixed states. It is determined analytically for arbitrary two-qubit mixed states and for generalized Werner and isotropic states. It is also applied to certain multipartite mixed states, including two multipartite bound entangled states
more » ... by Smolin and Dür. Moreover, the geometric measure of entanglement is applied to the ground state of the Ising model in a transverse magnetic field. From this model the entanglement is shown to exhibit singular behavior at the quantum critical point.
doi:10.1063/1.1834425 fatcat:l7xyq7zhpjbl7nu6r4erhhytei