A Blended Approach to Flipped Learning for Teaching Debate

Woodward Heather, Padfield Laura
Rikkyo University administrators have given instructors in the newly created department of Foreign Language Education and Research (FLER) more flexibility and control over how to implement their English as a Foreign Language (EFL) courses. Additionally, FLER has created a required debate course for first-year students, so an essential avenue of pedagogy and practice is required to explore approaches to teaching debate that can most effectively address the course aims. We describe how to
more » ... t one type of blended approach to flipped learning based on an instructional framework by Fries, Son, Givvin, and Stigler (2020), which is based on cognitive learning theory and follows a more sophisticated version of the Task-Teach-Task (TTT) approach. There are many ways to flip a classroom, and every instructor who chooses to flip their classroom does so differently (Bergmann & Sams, 2012) . With that in mind, we encourage instructors to consider this type of blended approach for their future debate classes, or at least, we hope that by reading this paper, instructors contemplate ways to adapt and incorporate some of the approach's aspects into their debate courses.
doi:10.14992/00020487 fatcat:xaxkjh4zcncbdbzc7ogzmd72gu