Why is it difficult to enrol patients in clinical cancer research?

Pereira Ramos Alex, Liberata Barbosa Bandeira Lívia, Pereira Ramos Alice Maria, Magro Ferreira Ramon, Luíza Meireles Pinheiro Bárbara, Pereira Ramos Anita Maria, Barreto da Silva Raphael, Henrique Rala de Paula Bruno
2020 World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews  
Patient recruitments are a crucial part of clinical research, especially in the medical oncology field. Despite its significance, 2-3% of patients with cancer participate in clinical trials. Beyond the bureaucratic and financial barriers in most trials, the recruitment can be directly impacted by the study design, referrals and patient beliefs. Therefore, this study points out the difficulties related to the process of patient recruitments in oncology, followed by options that contribute to their improvement.
doi:10.30574/wjarr.2020.6.2.0136 fatcat:fhnowvy5yfhbjdgamixtb2gvke