Influential Factors of Existing Physical Education Curriculum at Degree Level: A Case Study of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

Sohail Roman, Mehreen Saba
2021 Journal of Entrepreneurship Management and Innovation  
The main purpose of the study was to assess the influential factors of existing physical education curriculum at degree level in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The study consisted of the population, twenty-seven (27) physical education teachers and Five Hundred & Thirteen (513) physical education students, which were selected from Nine (09) randomly selected districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Survey technique was followed for the collection of required information. Appropriate questionnaire on Likert scale
more » ... anging from very much (VM) to Not at all (NAA) was developed and used after pilot testing checked through respondents of sampled colleges adopting a Cronbach's Alpha method of reliability. The responses of the respondents were supported by (SPSS), version 24.0. Statistical techniques like, Independent sample t-test, regression and ANOVA were applied for analyses of collected data. It has also been found that factors like class size, daily schedule/time table, available infrastructure and teachers' competency have significant influence upon teaching health and physical education. Based upon the findings, the researcher recommended that college administrator in collaboration with director colleges may bring manageable class size, allot adequate time for health and physical education classes, and provide required infrastructural facilities to impart the teaching experiences, observation and skills in a satisfying manner.
doi:10.52633/jemi.v3i1.53 fatcat:5snemhsrurbkxc4pznsedu5vua