The profit and added value creation and development analysis of agricultural companies in selected regions in Slovakia

J. Miklovičová, Ľ. Gurčík
2009 Agricultural Economics (AGRICECON)  
: In the paper, we deal with the profit or loss creation analysis and with the added value analysis, which is an important factor by profit creation in the companies. We calculate the profit or loss and added value with the pyramidal decomposition, determining the factors with positive or negative influence on their creation and development. We execute the quantification in agricultural companies of the Bratislava and Žilina region in the Slovakia. The companies farm in different natural
more » ... ons. The added value is in companies of the Bratislava region more than four times higher than in the companies of the Žilina region. The profit after taxes was negatively influenced by the loss from financial activities in the companies of both regions during the analyzed period.
doi:10.17221/44/2009-agricecon fatcat:au72a2ra2nb7zekbwq35fwzfwy