Utilizarea tehnologiilor informaționale în dezvoltarea competențelor cadrelor didactice
Use of information technologies in the development of teachers' competences

Elena Gabriela Ștefan
2019 Revistă de Ştiinţe Socio-Umane  
Today, training methods coalesce into more innovative strategies to make every hour a way to access knowledge methods and tools. In most cases, teachers are required to use continuous training to find out what is innovative and to be able to adapt to the specifics of the subject. New technologies can contribute to the professional development of teachers and make possible the most interesting results. So, it is necessary for us teachers to have the same openness to the information society in
more » ... ch production of information and its use in the most unexpected ways is a challenge for all.
doi:10.46727/jshs.2019.v42.i2.p95-101 fatcat:7rcbnxxcyzhmlehlxee7kkvv7i