Fiadan Soyy‹⁄‹t, Asl› Çurgunlu, Ifl›l Bavuno⁄lu Tüfekç‹, Bülent Tutluo⁄lu, Üniversitesi Cerrahpafla, T›p Fakültesi, Gö¤üs Hastal›klar›, Anabilim Dal›, Üniversitesi Cerrahpafla, T›p Fakültesi, Hastal›klar› Dal›
ÖZET Hasta ötiroid sendromu (HÖS), tiroid hastal›¤› olmaks›z›n altta yatan ciddi bir hastal›¤›n seyrinde ortaya ç›kan ve tiroid hormon düzeylerindeki de¤iflikliklerle karakterize bir sendromdur. Solunum yolu hastal›klar›nda da tiroid hormon seviyelerinde de¤ifliklikler oldu¤u bildirilmifltir. Çal›flmam›z›n amac›, kronik obstrüktif akci¤er hastal›¤› (KOAH) tan›s› ile izlenmekte olup akut atak geliflen hastalardaki HÖS s›kl›¤›n›n saptanmas› ve bunun atak s›ras›ndaki PaO2 (arteriyel parsiyel
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... n bas›nc›), PaCO2 (arteryel parsiyel karbondioksid bas›nc›) ve SpO2 (oksijen satürasyonu) ile iliflkisini incelemekti. Bu amaçla akut atak nedeni ile yat›r›lan KOAH tan›l› yirmi ard›fl›k hasta arteriyel PaO2, PaCO2, SpO2 ve tiroid fonksiyonlar› yönünden incelendi. Yirmi hastan›n 12'sinde (%60) HÖS saptan›rken, HÖS ve PaO2'deki azalma aras›nda bir iliflki saptanmad›. Tiroid hormon düzeyleri ve PaO2, PaCO2, SpO2 aras›nda da korelasyon saptanmad›. Anahtar kelimeler: Hasta ötiroid sendromu, KOAH, akut atak (Solunum 2004:6;14-17) SUMMARY The Incidence of Sick Euthyroid Syndrome in Acute Exacerbation of COPD Sick euthyroid syndrome (SES) is characterized by alterations in circulating thyroid hormone levels in the absence of a thyroid disease and occurs in patients suffering from serious diseases.There have been articles reporting of decreasing thyroid hormone levels in respiratory diseases. The aim of our study was to evaluate the incidence of SES in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) hospitalized with acute exacerbation. 20 consequtive patients with a diagnosis of COPD hospitalized because of an acute exacerbation in the Department of Pneumonology at Cerrahpafla Medical Faculty were evaluated according to their PaO2, PaCO2, SpO2 and thyroid hormone levels. 12 (60%) of the patients had alterations of thyroid hormone levels in accordance with SES diagnosis. There was no relation between SES and the decrease in arterial PaO2 levels. No correlation was found between PaO2, PaCO2, SpO2 and the thyroid hormone levels.