Assessment of Thermal Protection of Life Rafts in Passenger Vessel Abandonment Situations

Lawrence Mak, Andrew Kuczora, Michel B. DuCharme, James Boone, Rob Brown, Brian Farnworth, Kerri-Ann Evely, Fabien A. Basset, Scott MacKinnon
2008 Volume 2: Structures, Safety and Reliability   unpublished
npsi/ctrl?action=rtdoc&an=8894983⟨=en⟨=fr Access and use of this website and the material on it are subject to the Terms and Conditions set forth at ABSTRACT Inflatable life rafts are currently used on almost all passenger, fishing and commercial vessels, and offshore oil installations. Worldwide, life rafts are the primary evacuation system from fishing vessels with relatively small crews to large Roll on/Roll off
more » ... er vessels with over a thousand passengers and crew. While International Maritime Organization (IMO) standards currently require inflatable life raft components to "provide insulation" or "be sufficiently insulated", there are no performance criteria for these requirements (IMO, 1996).
doi:10.1115/omae2008-57398 fatcat:bra5llj4yrgztdoqcew5xhe7ae