層流方式光CVD法によるアモルファスシリコン膜形成方法 : 情報入力
Laminar flow photochemical vapor deposition method for preparing hydrogenated amorphous silicon film

Yoshinori Iida, Tetsuya Yamaguchi, Hidetoshi Nozaki, Akihiko Furukawa
1991 ITE Technical Report  
A new , laminar flow photochemical vapQr depositiom methQd has been applied to prepare a − Si :H fi ] . 皿 s . The main feature of this method is introduction of Argon gas as a flow down gas through the lower part of the quartz window into the reaction cha 皿 ber to keep the window highly transparent , The high deposition rate bas been stably maintained
doi:10.11485/tvtr.15.77_3 fatcat:gdhnqxsi6vc2riuyz2eipmcigm