Constraints Faced by Vegetable Growers in Amaravati Division of Maharashtra

K. Sindhura, V. S. Tekale, Pranali N. Thakre
2021 Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension Economics & Sociology  
Vegetable cultivation involves intensive cultural operations since sowing to marketing, providing regular employment opportunities to unemployed youth and farm family. Vegetable production is now commercialized, but still traditional farming is done in far flung areas. Besides, they are not as well served by the extension system as the farmers growing food grains. Moreover, most of the vegetable growers in this region are small and marginal farmers, and they have their peculiar concerns and
more » ... lems which need to be studied urgently and earnest. The present study was carried out in Akola and Amravati districts of Vidarbha region of Maharashtra state during the year 2019 with a sample size of 120 respondents to define the constraints faced by vegetable growers in Amravati division of Maharashtra. The major constraints faced by the vegetable growers were price fluctuation, electricity, fertigation, exploitation by middle men and lack of market knowledge.
doi:10.9734/ajaees/2021/v39i1130792 fatcat:pvu2qbu35vdhpeeast7lmvjay4