Dimuon Production by High-Energy Neutrino and anti-neutrino in the Fermilab 15-Ft Bubble Chamber [report]

John L. Orthel
1979 unpublished
The Fermilab fifteen foot bubble chamber/two-plane External Muon Identifier (EMO hybrid detector filled with Ne(47% atomic)-H 2 is exposed to the quadrupole triplet beam ( = 89 GeV, = 60 GeV). In 326000 pie-"' µ. tures there are 10148 neutrino and 1773 antineutrino charged current events with two-plane EMI muon identification and muon momenta > 4 GeV /c. In this sample there are 55 µ.-µ.+X, 11µ.-µ.-Xand0 µ.+µ.+Xcandidates with muon momenta > 4 GeV /c. The like-sign events are consistent with
more » ... kground. The opposite-sign dimuons occur at Rµ.µ. = 0.35~0.10% of the single muon rate. The vµ. -induced µ.-µ.+ rate is o.20+0.15% below E., = 100 GeV and µ. 0.50~0.30% above 100 GeV. In the opposite sign dimuons there are IO candidates with an associated V 0 implying 0.76~0.36 neutral strange particle per opposite sign dimuon event. The production rate, excess of neutral strange par-.. ...; . . ~. :: ticles, and kinematic distributions of the dimuon events are consistent with the charm model predictions.
doi:10.2172/1131298 fatcat:fe2npz67fjflhoq45kxzw4tjvy