The Self-Efficacy of Preservice Physical Education Teachers in Disabilities Education in China

Yong-Shun Wang, Liu Liu, Xiao-Wen Wei, Martin E. Block
2020 Sustainability  
The adapted physical education (APE) field is developing vigorously in China, and an increasing number of students with physical education (PE) as their major will encounter students with disabilities in their future teaching careers. This study thus surveyed PE major students from eight Chinese sports colleges and universities in order to explore how perceived social support could affect the self-efficacy of PE major students who are expected to face students with different types of
more » ... s; furthermore, it aimed to demonstrate the regulating effect of APE studies and internships. The survey found that (1) perceived social support positively affected self-efficacy among Chinese PE majors who would be facing students with different types of disabilities; (2) APE studies and internships positively affected self-efficacy among Chinese PE majors who would be facing students with different types of disabilities, and; (3) APE studies and internships strengthened perceived social support's effects on self-efficacy among Chinese PE majors who would be facing students with different types of disabilities.
doi:10.3390/su12187283 fatcat:qqgkupp65zeanarawjiyncjvaa