Dog Eat Dog? - An Analysis of the Forces for Change in the Journals Publishing Market

Mark Rowse
1999 Serials: The Journal for the Serials Community  
Over the past five years the explosion of online services and content has created new possibilities for librarians and researchers, who can now envisage a world of connected information, delivered seamlessly to the desktop. The utopian vision is of one where the online researcher becomes self-guiding through the world's literature and research tools, assisted by intuitive interfaces and navigation. The reality, however, is that the increasing volume of material available on the Web has made it
more » ... arder and harder to separate the good, valuable and reliable from the ill-informed, biased and plain misleading. As a result, users of online services actually need more, rather than less, assistance in navigating through the information overload on the Web.
doi:10.1629/12299 fatcat:7wjclvc6zffa3or5xuqwwaidva