Tuning the Electrical Properties of NiO Thin Films by Stoichiometry and Microstructure

Yu-He Liu, Xiao-Yan Liu, Hui Sun, Bo Dai, Peng Zhang, Yong Wang
2021 Coatings  
Here, the electrical properties of NiO thin films grown on glass and Al2O3 (0001) substrates have been investigated. It was found that the resistivity of NiO thin films strongly depends on oxygen stoichiometry. Nearly perfect stoichiometry yields extremely high resistivity. In contrast, off-stoichiometric thin films possess much lower resistivity, especially for oxygen-rich composition. A side-by-side comparison of energy loss near the edge structure spectra of Ni L3 edges between our NiO thin
more » ... ilms and other theoretical spectra rules out the existence of Ni3+ in NiO thin films, which contradicts the traditional hypothesis. In addition, epitaxial NiO thin films grown on Al2O3 (0001) single crystal substrates exhibit much higher resistivity than those on glass substrates, even if they are deposited simultaneously. This feature indicates the microstructure dependence of electrical properties.
doi:10.3390/coatings11060697 fatcat:uac3ekge7zdbtinj267jdyayve