Statistical study of absorbers from MUSE-ALMA Halos

Simon Weng
2022 Zenodo  
Gas in the circumgalactic medium can be probed to low column densities using sightlines towards bright QSOs. However, it is only with the recent advent of powerful integral field spectrographs such as the Multi-Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (MUSE) that has allowed us to draw clearer connections between the gas detected in absorption and the surrounding galaxy environment. The MUSE-ALMA Halos survey combines MUSE and ALMA observations with HST imaging and spectroscopy centred on HI Lyman-α
more » ... s to explore the interplay between the CGM and galaxies at redshift 0.3 < z < 1.0. In total, we find ~80 galaxies within 1000 km/s of our 32 HI absorbers, with impact parameters ranging from < 10 kpc up to 250 kpc. These associated galaxies span a variety of environments, from being isolated to being part of large galaxy groups with more than 10 members and is therefore ideal to study the influence of galaxy environment on gas in the CGM. I will present initial results from our 19 MUSE fields, focusing on the HI covering fraction of absorbers and emission-line properties such as SFR and metallicity of associated galaxies, and how these properties depend on the galaxy environment.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.7464087 fatcat:tqcl26buojbe7datatbp24ynvu