Do We Live In A Universe Where There Are Reliable Experiments About Conscious Experience? [post]

Nicholas Martin Rosseinsky
2019 unpublished
A primary dysfunction in the current field of consciousness science is its lack of examination of its own methodological foundations, from a physical perspective. Mainstream approaches currently make two contradictory assumptions: (1) a standard-physics setting; and (2) the existence of reliable experiments about conscious experience, based on report. The key question for consciousness science is whether we *do* live in a Universe where reliable experiments about conscious experience exist -
more » ... ch would contradict standard physics. Fortunately the kind of Universe we live in is itself subject to relatively-straightforward experimental test! [Chapter 4 from 'The Science We Need - One Experiment to Change the World'.]
doi:10.31234/ fatcat:j3d4iocnrjcvrno63c3fmimfp4