Association analysis of IGF-I gene expression with growth and reproductive traits in Jinghai yellow chickens

M.A. Abdalhag, T. Li, L. Duan, T. Zhang, G. Zhang, J. Wang, Y. Wang
2016 Genetics and Molecular Research  
The insulin-like growth factor, IGF-I, plays an important role in the development of growth and reproductive traits. Singlestrand conformation polymorphism analysis was used to detect and analyze polymorphisms and expression profiles of the IGF-I gene and its association with growth and reproductive traits of Jinghai yellow chickens. A point mutation g.295T>C was detected in the IGF-I gene with three genotypes CC, CT, and TT. The CT and TT genotypes were found to be significantly (P < 0.05)
more » ... rior to the CC genotype in 8-, 10-, 12-, 14-, and 16-week-age weight of chickens (for growth traits) and in body weight at first egg-laying (for reproductive traits). Comparison of the expression level between males and females showed similarity in their expression curves, with females showing relatively higher IGF-I expression than males in all studied tissues. A similar IGF-I expression pattern was observed in the breast and leg muscles of both males and females, with the leg muscle showing relative higher IGF-I expression than the breast muscle. Our results indicate that, g.295T>C mutation in the IGF-I gene affects certain growth and reproductive traits, and it could be used to provide a theoretical basis as well as marker-assisted selection to upgrade the development of Jinghai yellow chickens in future.
doi:10.4238/gmr15049205 pmid:27966760 fatcat:aexrm7pekbftlhv6dacq6g7x5y