Effects Of Eccs On The Cold-Leg Fluid Temperature During Sgtr Accidents

Tadashi Watanabe
2015 Zenodo  
The LSTF experiment simulating the SGTR accident at the Mihama Unit-2 reactor is analyzed using the RELAP5/MOD3.3 code. In the accident, and thus in the experiment, the ECC water was injected not only into the cold legs but into the upper plenum. Overall transients during the experiment such as pressures and fluid temperatures are simulated well by the code. The cold-leg fluid temperatures are shown to decrease if the upper plenum injection system is connected to the cold leg. It is found that
more » ... he cold-leg fluid temperatures also decrease if the upper-plenum injection is not used and the cold-leg injection alone is actuated.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.1108662 fatcat:767vievqlvhrxg2asj46zacecq