Infected Left Iliac Pseudoaneurysm after Endovascular Treatment

Tatsuya Horibe, Ryo Noguchi, Jun Takaki, Yasuhito Hosoda, Ken Okamoto, Toshihiro Fukui
Japanese Journal of Vascular Surgery  
We herein report a rare case of a lethal sequela of infected pseudoaneurysm after endovascular treatment of bilateral common iliac artery. A 68-year-old female who had undergone endovascular stenting for stenotic lesions of bilateral iliac artery 4 months ago was referred to our division because of infected left common iliac pseudoaneurysm. The patient presented with left back pain and fever elevation. The blood cultures were positive for Staphylococcus caprae. The computed tomographic
more » ... demonstrated infected pseudoaneurysm at left common iliac artery. Emergent extra anatomical bypass grafting, resection of infected pseudoaneurysm and augmentation of greater omentum were successfully carried out simultaneously. Her postoperative course was uneventful.
doi:10.11401/jsvs.19-00039 fatcat:7gizcai5rzcsfg5zfoxhh4orwe