Method for experimental investigation of transient operation on Laval test stand for model size turbines

R Fraser, M Coulaud, V Aeschlimann, J Lemay, C Deschenes
2016 IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environment  
With the growing proportion of inconstant energy source as wind and solar, hydroelectricity becomes a first class source of peak energy in order to regularize the grid. The important increase of start -stop cycles may then cause a premature ageing of runners by both a higher number of cycles in stress fluctuations and by reaching a higher stress level in absolute. Aiming to sustain good quality development on fully homologous scale model turbines, the Hydraulic Machines Laboratory (LAMH) of
more » ... l University has developed a methodology to operate model size turbines on transient regimes such as start-up, stop or load rejection on its test stand. This methodology allows maintaining a constant head while the wicket gates are opening or closing in a representative speed on the model scale of what is made on the prototype. This paper first presents the opening speed on model based on dimensionless numbers, the methodology itself and its application. Then both its limitation and the first results using a bulb turbine are detailed.
doi:10.1088/1755-1315/49/6/062006 fatcat:ii53iygsfvc4bp6yzlgdmzsyrq