Dry Methane Reforming on Carbon-Doped Nickel Foams

Juan Matos, Carlos Paredes, Maibelin Rosales
2011 Eurasian Chemico-Technological Journal  
<p>The catalytic activity of carbon-doped nickel foams in the dry methane reforming was studied at mild experimental conditions. The catalysts were synthesized by the controlled pyrolysis of different Nicontaining re-crystallized saccharose under N<sub>2</sub> flow. The results showed that carbon proportion clearly influences the catalytic activity of Ni-foams from low to moderate catalytic activity attributed to an in situ formation during pre-treatment of very active reduced Ni phases. It can
more » ... be conclude that carbon-doped nickel foams catalysts prepared from the controlled pyrolysis of saccharose are interesting materials for natural gas conversion reactions.</p>
doi:10.18321/ectj92 fatcat:zhmujxeq45dm7gx4qe46gjoxum