To scholarship on the cross-linking of nerves

Iosif A. Levin
1903 Nevrologičeskij vestnik  
Coming to the presentation of our work "To the study of the cross stitching of nerves", we, in order to avoid any misunderstandings when reading it, consider it necessary to make a reservation that we understand by the term "cross".Under this term, they denote such stitching of nerves, when the central branch of one nerve is stitched with the peripheral branch of another, and the central branch of the last one with the peripheral branch of the first; such stitching will be complete
more » ... ; if, however, the central cut of one nerve is stitched with the peripheral of the other, and the remaining cuts remain without connection, then this will be incomplete cross-linking.
doi:10.17816/nb84562 fatcat:dmdylns2nzejzgvfynjhl7wcra