Grey Correlation Analysis of Decathlon Achievement of the World Elite Athletes Ashton James Eaton

Changmei Huang, Yang He
2013 Proceedings of the 2013 International Workshop on Computer Science in Sports   unpublished
Using the methods of mathematical statistics and correlation analysis and grey correlation analysis, the paper studied on multi-level grey correlation analysis of Olympic champion Ashton James Eaton achievement. The results reveal the relationship of total result and event-groups, event-group and individual event, individual events. Skip event-group and speed event-group are his advantage project, and endurance event-group is his weaker project. The order of affecting total score of Ashton
more » ... Eaton is 100m, high jump, 110 m hurdles, 400m, javelin, shot put, long jump, discus, 1500m and pole vault. In the end, the paper divided ten events into four classes, and analyzed Ashton James Eaton's advantage and disadvantage events.
doi:10.2991/iwcss-13.2013.69 fatcat:3cmofjgxqrfprlw3y3qcofuycm