Application of a Numerical Simulation to Ecklonia Cava Bed Establishment

Masaki HONDA
2005 Journal of Fisheries Engineering  
The purpose for the estabtishment of kelp beds is to increase kelp bi {〕 mass . thus, calcu ! ation of bi 〔, − mass change is a useful tool for the predictiol ユ. A photosynthetic pr ( )duction model is one of the major components used in the calculation of the biolrlass cballge . An estimation of grazing is aエ lother major component to be included iI ユ the calculation of bi〔)mass change . [ n this study , graziIlg effcc 亡 s oll the bio− mass dynamics of Ecklonia cal ・ , a arc analyzed by using
more » ... hc biolnass charlge nlodel ( Ilonda 200( } ) tbat ⊂oInbined the feeding equation of lv[ ev ( 1961 ) with the photosynthe τic production rl1⊂ 》 del that was dcvel −
doi:10.18903/fisheng.42.2_179 fatcat:gknbxwckvnafpildpuvots6dk4