Single-cell transcriptome analysis identifies distinct cell types and intercellular niche signaling in a primary gastric organoid model [article]

Jiamin Chen, Billy T. Lau, Noemi Andor, Sue M. Grimes, Christine Handy, Christina Wood-Bouwens, Hanlee P. Ji
2017 bioRxiv   pre-print
The diverse cellular milieu of the gastric tissue microenvironment plays a critical role in normal tissue homeostasis and tumor development. However, few cell culture model can recapitulate the tissue microenvironment and intercellular signaling in vitro. Here we applied an air-liquid interface method to culture primary gastric organoids that contains epithelium with endogenous stroma. To characterize the microenvironment and intercellular signaling in this model, we analyzed the transcriptomes
more » ... of over 5,000 individual cells from primary gastric organoids cultured at different time points. We identified epithelial cells, fibroblasts and macrophages at the early stage of organoid formation, and revealed that macrophages were polarized towards wound healing and tumor promotion. The organoids maintained both epithelial and fibroblast lineages during the course of time, and a subset of cells in both lineages expressed the stem cell marker Lgr5. We identified that Rspo3 was specifically expressed in the fibroblast lineage, providing an endogenous source of the R-spondin to activate Wnt signaling. Our studies demonstrate that air-liquid-interface-derived organoids provide a novel platform to study intercellular signaling and immune response in vitro.
doi:10.1101/190132 fatcat:kbtng5gztjbxljqcgivvwrfx2e