Reversal Asymmetry of Rainfall Change over the Indian Ocean During the Radiative Forcing Increase and Stabilization

Hongyu Hou, Xia Qu, Gang Huang
2021 Earth's Future  
Since the industrial revolution, the concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere have been increasing as a result of human activities. The increase reduces the outgoing longwave radiation and stores more energy in the climate system, which has a direct influence on the global climate (Boer et al., 2000; von Schuckmann et al., 2016; Wang et al., 2020) . Because of its large heat capacity, the ocean acts as heat storage, and approximately 93% of redundant energy is absorbed by the ocean,
more » ... largely lowering the increase in the global mean surface temperature (
doi:10.1029/2021ef002272 fatcat:lyx3oac67ffhrkyt2liueug3fq