Male Remating in Drosophila ananassae: Evidence for Interstrain Variation in Remating Time and Shorter Duration of Copulation during Second Mating

Shree Ram Singh, Bashisth N. Singh
2000 Zoological Science  
In Drosophila ananassae, male remating was studied using ten mass culture stocks which were initiated from flies collected from different geographic localities. Male remating occurs at a high frequency and varies within narrow limits (84-96 percent) in different strains. Interestingly, male remating time (in min) varies from 7.41 (Bhutan) to 21.59 (PAT) in different strains and the variation is highly significant. Further, the results also show that males copulate for shorter duration during
more » ... ond mating. This is the first report in the genus Drosophila which provides evidence for interstrain variations for male remating time as well as for shorter duration of copulation during second mating as compared to first mating in D. ananassae.
doi:10.2108/jsz.17.389 pmid:18494595 fatcat:3hvapddbqfhsxhleejtsee743e