Occupational health and safety management in times of COVID-19 in the construction sector in Peru, 2021

Mario Jesús Vílchez-Castillo, Akin Lene Tutaya-Tineo, Neicer Campos Vasquez
2022 Proceedings of the 20th LACCEI International Multi-Conference for Engineering, Education and Technology: "Education, Research and Leadership in Post-pandemic Engineering: Resilient, Inclusive and Sustainable Actions"   unpublished
The Covid-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the construction sector; companies have been forced to submit to new guidelines for prevention and control of the spread of Covid- The objective of the study is to determine how the safety management system influences occupational health in times of Covid-19 in the construction sector applied in Peru. The methodology used was: the analysis of documents, project information and risk factors; likewise, among the instruments used were: survey
more » ... form, project data sheets, comparison charts, hazard identification matrices and risk assessment (IPER). The conclusions reached were that the construction projects were moderately affected with a negative impact by the presence of Covid-19, in the verification of: The increase in project costs, the decrease in worker productivity; the extension of the schedule that was proposed at the start of work, and the new guidelines for hazard identification, risk assessment and control measures tak en in the face of
doi:10.18687/laccei2022.1.1.726 fatcat:mchqhrogbzghrjyzwnzhkgsp4e