An Image Encryption Scheme Synchronizing Optimized Chaotic Systems Implemented on Raspberry Pis

Omar Guillén-Fernández, Esteban Tlelo-Cuautle, Luis Gerardo de la Fraga, Yuma Sandoval-Ibarra, Jose-Cruz Nuñez-Perez
2022 Mathematics  
Guaranteeing security in information exchange is a challenge in public networks, such as in the highly popular application layer Message Queue Telemetry Transport (MQTT) protocol. On the one hand, chaos generators have shown their usefulness in masking data that can be recovered while having the appropriate binary string. Privacy can then be accomplished by implementing synchronization techniques to connect the transmitter and receiver, among millions of users, to encrypt and decrypt data
more » ... the correct public key. On the other hand, chaotic binary sequences can be generated on Rapsberry Pis that can be connected over MQTT. To provide privacy and security, the transmitter and receiver (among millions of devices) can be synchronized to have the same chaotic public key to encrypt and decrypt data. In this manner, this paper shows the implementation of optimized chaos generators on Raspberry Pis that are wirelessly connected via MQTT for the IoT protocol. The publisher encrypts data that are public to millions of interconnected devices, but the data are decrypted by the subscribers having the correct chaotic binary sequence. The image encryption system is tested by performing NIST, TestU01, NPCR, UACI and other statistical analyses.
doi:10.3390/math10111907 fatcat:zrvj5jsof5bnbkg52262vacv7q