UCLA International Journal of Comparative Psychology Title Primary Frustration in the Red Opossum (Lutreolina crassicaudata)

Mauricio Papini, Patricia Ramallo
1990 Journal International Journal of Comparative Psychology   unpublished
Red opossums (Lutreolina crassicaudata) were trained in a Y-maze to locate a piece of food (the initial response, Ri) and afterwards to run back to the start box (the final response, Rf) where no reward was available immediately although a new trial was scheduled after a 30-s intertrial interval. Omission of food in some of the training sessions (Sessions 2, 10, 20, and 30) led to a decrement in latencies of the Rf, but only in Sessions 10 and 20, which was interpreted as evidence that primary
more » ... rustration elicited by omission of an expected reward increases the vigor of ongoing instru-1982). Primary frustration is also assumed to energize ongoing instrumental responses, an effect first reported by Amsel and Roussel (1952) . In their experiment, rats were exposed to a double-alley run-