Dupilumab Successful Treatment of a Child with Severe Atopic Dermatitis

Ana de Carvalho Vaz, João Oliveira, Diana Pinto, Fernanda Teixeira, Ana Rita Araújo, Laura Marques
2022 Acta Scientific Paediatrics  
Poorly controlled moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis in children and adolescents can result in growth failure, impaired quality of life of patients and their families and a significant increase in healthcare expenses. A 9-year-old boy with severe atopic dermatitis, who was initiated on off-label treatment with dupilumab and presented a significant improvement in dermatitis and quality of life. This case highlights the great potential of dupilumab in the treatment of severe atopic dermatitis in the pediatric population.
doi:10.31080/aspe.2022.05.0512 fatcat:gvnsb5s45nesxhgdplzgimyoxa