Optimising Energy Systems in Smart Urban Areas [chapter]

Bohumír Garlík
2019 Zero and Net Zero Energy [Working Title]  
In this chapter, the urban structure will be defined with zero or almost zero energy consumption, followed by pollution parameters. Energy systems are designed as networks of energy-intensive local hubs with multiple sources of hybrid energies, where different energy flows are collected on the same busbar and can be accumulated, delivered, or transformed as needed into the intelligent urban area. For analysis of the purpose function of our energy system, a micro-network of renewable energy
more » ... es (RES) is defined by penalization and limitations. By using fuzzy logic, a set of permissible solutions of this purpose function is accepted, and the type of daily electricity consumption diagrams is defined when applying cluster analysis. A self-organising neural network and then a Kohonen network were used. The experiment is to justify the application of new procedures of mathematical and informatics-oriented methods and optimisation procedures, with an outlined methodology for the design of smart areas and buildings with near zero to zero energy power consumption.
doi:10.5772/intechopen.85342 fatcat:ubodjcmo5bfdvd73wh2aknorte