Women's writing: Question about self-liberation and escaping Reading in Forms from "Forgetting Com" by Ahlem Mostaganmy

Khayra Bin Olwa
2019 Ansaq journal  
The conflict between masculinity and femininity is often expressed in the Western and Arabic feminist literature. Educated women's writings clash with the restrictions imposed by patriarchal societies that call for reservation and that are rejected by women and their counterparts in the intellectual arena, and with the "Typical man", whom most of women consider rare. This subject has produced a feminist category that critics have included in the spinsterhood list. In this context, the contents
more » ... f "Forgetting com" written by Ahlem Mostaganmy are studied. Through this paper, we will try to throw some light on the phenomena of escaping from the dominance of masculinity and the liberation from the weakness of femininity, based on the premonitions of men, as per these questions: Is women's writing selfediting or repressed? Does the solution lie in self-liberation or escapism? What do women think about self-liberation? Do they find in the escape as an alternative? How much are these appearances reflected in the book "Forgetting Com" by Ahlem Mostaganmy?
doi:10.29117/ansaq.2019.0085 fatcat:vqsspj4nsnhf7hxqbh6gupy6qy