Reputed authenticated routing for ad hoc networks protocol (reputed-ARAN)

A. Mahmoud, A. Sameh, S. El-Kassas
IEEE International Conference on Mobile Adhoc and Sensor Systems Conference, 2005.  
In this paper, we analyze one of the secure mobile ad hoc networks protocols, which is Authenticated routing for ad hoc networks (ARAN). Such protocol is classified as a secure reactive routing protocol, which is based on some type of query-reply dialog. That means ARAN does not attempt to continuously maintain the up-to-date topology of the network, but rather when there is a need, it invokes a function to find a route to the destination. Here, we detail how ARAN works, criticize how an
more » ... icated misbehaving node can abuse the bandwidth and propose different solutions for this flaw in the protocol.
doi:10.1109/mahss.2005.1542872 dblp:conf/mass/MahmoudSE05 fatcat:qnbhlkdy55e55ndsk42sf33n2u