Long-Tailed Characteristic of Spiking Pattern Alternation Induced by Log-Normal Excitatory Synaptic Distribution

Sou Nobukawa, Haruhiko Nishimura, Nobuhiko Wagatsuma, Satoshi Ando, Teruya Yamanishi
2020 IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems  
Studies of structural connectivity at the synaptic level show that in synaptic connections of the cerebral cortex, the excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP) in most synapses exhibits sub-mV values, while a small number of synapses exhibit large EPSPs (≳ 1.0 [mV]). This means that the distribution of EPSP fits a log-normal distribution. While not restricting structural connectivity, skewed and long-tailed distributions have been widely observed in neural activities, such as the occurrences of
more » ... spiking rates and the size of a synchronously spiking population. Many studies have been modeled this long-tailed EPSP neural activity distribution; however, its causal factors remain controversial. This study focused on the long-tailed EPSP distributions and interlateral synaptic connections primarily observed in the cortical network structures, thereby having constructed a spiking neural network consistent with these features. Especially, we constructed two coupled modules of spiking neural networks with excitatory and inhibitory neural populations with a log-normal EPSP distribution. We evaluated the spiking activities for different input frequencies and with/without strong synaptic connections. These coupled modules exhibited intermittent intermodule-alternative behavior, given moderate input frequency and the existence of strong synaptic and intermodule connections. Moreover, the power analysis, multiscale entropy analysis, and surrogate data analysis revealed that the long-tailed EPSP distribution and intermodule connections enhanced the complexity of spiking activity at large temporal scales and induced nonlinear dynamics and neural activity that followed the long-tailed distribution.
doi:10.1109/tnnls.2020.3015208 pmid:32822305 fatcat:rr2szwqknjhsjix6sob3jxur7i