Correlation between Implementation of Inter Professional Education (IPE) and Evidence Based Practice (EBP) among Medical Student of Muhammadiyah Malang University

Gita S Prihanti, Krida A Yulia
2017 Proceedings of the 1st International Integrative Conference on Health, Life and Social Sciences (ICHLaS 2017)   unpublished
Inter professional teamwork in healthcare is needed to improve patient outcome treatments. It's introduced in medical education curriculum with Inter Professional Education (IPE) methods. Patient's health care needs Evidence Based Medicine (EBM) that's can be find in literature and reference such as scientific journal and it contains Evidence Based Practice (EBP). To know the correlation and rate of influence between implementation of Inter Professional Education (IPE) and Evidence Based
more » ... e (EBP). Research method was observational with cross sectional study. Samples were taken by simple random sampling and get 277 respondents that divided into two groups: IPE and not IPE. Data were analyzed bivariate analysis independent sample t-tests and multivariate using linier regression. Result: Mean EBP score of IPE =138.13 and not IPE=133.1 CI 95% 5.03 (1.97 -8.09). Result of independent sample t tests got sig=0.001 (p<0.05) it means there is meaningful score difference between groups IPE and not IPE. It test with linier regression and got equation Y= 133.102 + 5.036 (X) that means there was EBP score increase as much 5.036 in IPE and got R square 0.033 that means IPE has influence EBP score as much 3.3%. The highest mean score was future use in group IPE and not IPE. Linier regression test got R square 0.69 showed the fourth characteristics have influence rate as much 69% to EBP score. There was correlation and influence between implementation of Inter Professional Education (IPE) and Evidence Based Practice (EBP) at medical student of Muhammadiyah Malang University.
doi:10.2991/ichlas-17.2017.20 fatcat:7dxfrek4ejcupfbrk3gzbbhhlq