Development of A New Cytotoxicity Screening Method using Electroporation. Application to Cultured Human Leukemia Cell Line HL60
エレクトロポレーションによる新しい細胞毒性スクリーニング法の開発 培養株ヒト白血病細胞HL60への適用

Fujio SHIRAISHI, Tomoharu SANO, Kunimitsu KAYA
1996 Journal of Environmental Chemistry  
A new cytotoxicity screening method for the compounds impermeable through cell membranes was developed based on the combination of electroporation with the conventional incubation method using a cultured mammalian cell line, HL60. After optimizing the condition of electroporation, cytotoxicities of microcystins produced by cyanobacteria, DHBmicrocystin-RR and microcystin-LR,which are impermeable and did not show cytotoxicities by the previous HL60 incubation method, could be detected
more » ... . On the other hand, a permeable compound,2-(2-furyl)-3-(5-vitro-2-furyl)acrylamide(AF2), showed equal inhibitory effect on the growth of HL60 with or without electroporation, indicating that the method helps incorporation of the compounds into the cells without damaging the cells. The electroporation method will be effective as an alternative method for the toxicity evaluation by the primary culture of mammalian liver cells or animal studies.
doi:10.5985/jec.6.551 fatcat:eidv2itc6jgq5lwcogddm3nyei