Structure of adaptive training material for future air traffic controllers
Структура навчального матеріалу з адаптивного навчання майбутніх авіадиспетчерів

Maryna Lomakina, Flight Academy of the National Aviation University, Kateryna Surkova, Flight Academy of the National Aviation University
2019 SCIENTIFIC BULLETIN OF FLIGHT ACADEMY. Section: Pedagogical Sciences  
The individualization of future air traffic controllers' training is one of the most important tasks during initial training. During adaptive learning students receive different practical tasks of both training or controlling character which are different in content and complexity These tasks are also different in scope or type of educational material, depending on its individual characteristics.
doi:10.33251/2522-1477-2019-6-88-93 fatcat:nimy23es6vaulmksviknqo75w4