Mine Slope Stability Based on Fusion Technology of InSAR Monitoring and Numerical Simulation

Liwei Yuan, Chenyang Li, Sumin Li, Xiangsong Ma, Wei Zhang, Darong Liu, Guangjin Wang, Feihong Chen, Xiaojian Hou, M Pallikonda Rajasekaran
2022 Scientific Programming  
In this paper, the slope of the open pit of Dahongshan iron ore mine in Yunnan is taken as the research object, the safety coefficient and settlement values of the slope under natural and rainfall conditions are derived by the finite element software Midas/GTS, and the surface settlement versus time is produced by fusing the InSAR monitoring results of the study area for a whole year to judge the stability of the open pit slope. The results show that the settlement and deformation areas shown
more » ... numerical simulation and InSAR monitoring results are consistent; the comparison between InSAR monitoring results and rainfall intensity shows that the cumulative value of slope settlement has a high correlation with heavy rainfall. The safety coefficients of the slopes of the open pit under natural conditions and rainfall conditions are 1.50 and 1.21, the cumulative value of settlement in InSAR monitoring data for one year is 18.4 mm, and no obvious large deformation area is found. The use of numerical simulation combined with InSAR monitoring can realize the analysis of the stability of the slope of the open pit mine.
doi:10.1155/2022/8643586 fatcat:sx2dxiz3b5cbtajdmltovkthn4