The Hidden Quantum Entanglement Roots of E = mc2 and Its Genesis to E = (mc2/22) Plus mc2 (21/22) Confirming Einstein's Mass-Energy Formula

Mohamed S. El Naschie
2014 American Journal of Electromagnetics and Applications  
Einstein's energy mass formula is shown to consist of two basically quantum components E (O) = mc 2 /22 and E(D) = mc 2 (21/22). We give various arguments and derivations to expose the quantum entanglement physics residing inside a deceptively simple expression E = mc 2 . The true surprising aspect of the present work is however the realization that all the involved 'physics' in deriving the new quantum dissection of Einstein's famous formula of special relativity is actually a pure
more » ... necessity anchored in the phenomena of volume concentration of convex manifold in high dimensional quasi Banach spaces. Thus the present derivation plus the measurements of accelerated cosmic expansion are endophysical theoretical and experimental confirmation of Einstein but with a new quantum relativistic interpretation.
doi:10.11648/j.ajea.20140205.11 fatcat:xtezz4d2yrc73cemgwstbtez4e